Landy Harrell Family #1

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    • tntreacy posted #1823

      I’m descended from Family #1 – EKA William Sr. Harrell~1740-1750. My 3rd GGF was Landy Harrell, son of John Harrell and Sarah Unknown. Landy migrated west to Decatur, Illinois in the late 1820’s. I have discovered a book entitled The Centennial History of Decatur, Illinois (

      Landy and his wife were among the first settlers in Decatur and are mentioned many times in the book. Interestingly, the book names a Justice James Harrell who officiated a wedding in Decatur in the late 1840s. Another mention of  James Harrell was one who arrived in Harristown (nearby Decatur) in 1834 from Kentucky. Of note, arriving the following year, a Jacob Hostetler settled near Harristown. The Hostetler name appears in several legal documents that the Harrell Collaborative has found. Perhaps descendants of one of the other Families will recognize this or these James Harrells.

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