1782 Census of Frederick County, Virginia – Lane’s List

Last Updated on 19 Mar 2021

Census of Frederick County, Virginia, 1782

Tax List of Isaac Lane

Isaac Lane’s list appears in Heads of Families at the First Census of the United States Taken in the Year 1790, near the bottom of page 19. A PDF of all pages containing Harrell entries is provided here.

Use the search field below to quickly locate a person. Clear the search field after use to return to the complete list.

Name of Head of FamilyWhiteBlackPgSearch Name
Willson, William5
McKenny, John3
Smith, David8
Pierce, George8
Harrell, John13
Buck, Thomas513
McPherson, Nathaniel51
Toor, William7
Wingfield, Sam5
Wethers, Ralph8
Wethers, Alex4
Wethers, Robt3
Darst, Danl4
Harrell, Jacob3
Jones, John5
McCann Danl4
Wiley, Allen6
Fotheringill, John8
Lehue, William11
Train, John3
Sperry, Nichs71
Keller, George12
Hannah, Henry51
Wier, Peter5
McDonals, Hugh5
Barnes, Charles4
Barnes, John9
Gardiner, Michl8
Step, Michl8
Guffin, George7
Cline, Jacob13
Campbell, Danl8
Stump, Danl7
Stump, Joshua3
Miers, Casper, Sen8
Miers, Casper, Jun7
Bradley, William1
McNally, Michl6
Baker, Josh99
Barron, William5
Jackson, Jno9
Scholl, Nichl91
Gorse, John1
Goose, George8
Larrick, John9
Larrick, George9
Miers, John1
Miers, Charles3
Delong, Nichs4
Nisewanger, David5
Chrieser, Christo5
Stein, Michl11
Dush, Josha3
Sutherland, David6
Goodeconse, George11
Warth, George8
Sperry, Peter3
Rowzel, Baben92
Clavenger, Saml33
Clavenger, George3
Clavenger, Joshua3
Hite, Isaac, Esq838
Willson, John6
Brenner, Peter1
Paschcall, John4
Ashby, Henry88
Ashby, George61
Jones, Mason84
Bean, John9
Ringel, George9
McFarling, John7
Carrol, Danl5
Nisewanger, John6
Brinker, George104
Murphy, Robt6
Harrell, William11
Snider, Henry13
Hearse, Abram4
Reading, Benjn3
Romine, Thos11
Ellzey, Jno6
Reynolds, Thomas41
Foley, Leah51
Cartmill, Edwd91
Brown, Hugh13
Willson, James75
Nisewanger, Colo John71
Bush, Vance53
Clanton, Philip56
Dixon, Lucy219
Hummick, Rudolph5
Cunnard Joseph7
Sailor, Peter7
Rakestraw, Joshua8